Intuitive Energy Medicine

Energy Medicine Sessions

Intuitive Energy Medicine — 60 minutes

About an hour long session plus follow-up: $180

Session includes: an intake/update with energetic assessment before and after your treatment, plus the treatment itself. 

Following sessions of 60 minutes or more, you will receive notes or a short recording with my observations and recommendations for maintaining balance, and a follow-up check-in by text or email.

Don’t see times that match your availability?

Intuitive Energy Medicine — Extended

Extended session up to 2 hours plus follow-up: $300

Session includes: an intake/update with energetic assessment before and after your treatment, plus the treatment itself.

Following sessions of 60 minutes or more, you will receive notes or a short recording with my observations and recommendations for maintaining balance, and a follow-up check-in by text or email.

Don’t see times that match your availability?

Energy Tune Up — 30 minutes

About a 30 minute session: $100

Excludes notes/recording/follow-up.

Don’t see times that match your availability?

Introductory Call

About a 15 minute session: Free

Don’t see times that match your availability?

About an hour long session plus follow-up: $180

Session includes: an intake/update with energetic assessment before and after your treatment, plus the treatment itself. 

Following sessions of 60 minutes or more, you will receive notes or a short recording with my observations and recommendations for maintaining balance, and a follow-up check-in by text or email.

Don’t see times that match your availability?

Extended session up to 2 hours plus follow-up: $300

Session includes: an intake/update with energetic assessment before and after your treatment, plus the treatment itself.

Following sessions of 60 minutes or more, you will receive notes or a short recording with my observations and recommendations for maintaining balance, and a follow-up check-in by text or email.

Don’t see times that match your availability?

About a 30 minute session: $100

Excludes notes/recording/follow-up.

Don’t see times that match your availability?

About a 15 minute session: Free

Don’t see times that match your availability?

I would love to help you....

  • Engage your innate wisdom and loving heart more fully in your daily life
  • Root and ground deeply to our beautiful planet and to your own precious life
  • Improve breath, sleep and digestion — your core healing modalities
  • Navigate challenging situations with greater ease and acceptance
  • Relax and recharge for more vitality in your life
  • Shift out of anger, anxiety and grief when these normal reactions become stuck
  • Decrease or eliminate chronic pain
  • Release outdated mental patterning so you can live more joyfully
  • Find and release energy drains

Some specific issues I love to help with:

  • Remembering or honing in on your current mission in life
  • Making big transitions easier
  • Creating a more joyful, soulful & heart-centered life
  • Repatterning habits you’ve outgrown
  • Navigating serious illness with gentle presence and care
  • Making end-of-life experiences sacred
What’s Happening in a Session

A Space for Healing — space and time can magically shift in the healing space we co-create together. Simply setting intention begins a process that can flow outward into every aspect of your life.

Deep Relaxation — treatment sessions are designed to give the nervous system a sense of safety and support at all levels, calming the sympathetic nervous system and allowing the parasympathetic nervous system to come on-line.

Fresh Perspective — these days, our minds are highly trained and focused. Redeveloping the capacity for heart-centered perception and cognition helps us experience the living soulfulness of the world and our own sacredness.

Remembrance of your unique life purpose — there is and will only ever be one YOU, unique and beautiful and precious. Who are you? How do you be in this world? How does your particular manifestation of bits of stardust radiate? I can help you know, sense, feel and remember who you came to Earth to be, so you can live a more purposeful and fulfilled life.

Energy medicine sessions are respectful, supportive, deeply caring and gentle throughout. They are both conversational and deeply quiet.

You are in charge of your healing, always.

By the way, there’s never anything “wrong” with your energy. To me, there’s not good or bad energy — those are just our judgments— energy simply IS. And energy generally wants to flow in balance.

We begin with conversation about what is up for you in your life and what your intention or goal for healing is. Sometimes we talk in-depth about health history. The treatment includes an assessment of your energy, a treatment, and recommendations for maintaining enhanced balance. This is all shared with you during the session and in follow-up afterwards.

During the treatment I balance your energy centers or chakras and your aura or biofield. Sometimes I work with the core energy line and expression of your being, and sometimes I work with the energetic expressions of organs and tissues and other structures of the energetic body.

With compassionate listening, intuitive insight and subtle energy balancing, I work with you to identify patterns you want to shift. I share perspectives and strategies for connecting with your allies in transformation — guides, plants, ancestors, the land and your own heart.

Please know, you are always in charge of your own healing. Anything I observe or suggest is best run through your own inner knowing and experience, always. Consider what I offer for your highest good, and feel absolutely free to re-word or toss out what doesn’t fit.

Our work together is complementary with any allopathic medical protocols with which you are working.

I will always share recommendations for maintaining balance, and my guidance on when I suggest you return for another session.

Many times one session brings balance and practices to work with for a month or more.

Sometimes, depending upon what’s going on, a few sessions in a shorter period of time can support your journey more deeply.

Monthly sessions are a great way to maintain balance and keep your energy system in tune!

Always, always, you are in charge of your healing. I respect and support your decision-making about how to approach your healing at all times. I will share my suggestions AND I encourage you to trust yourself to know what you need.

Since I’m an intuitive energy healer, I don’t rely on physical presence, observations or in-person hands-on touch. You relax comfortably at home on your sofa with your cozy blanket or in your recliner or wherever you choose while we connect via phone or in a zoom call for the intake/update. We can stay on the line for the treatment, or end the call for the treatment part of the session. Your comfort is important to me.

Since I do my best work with the least amount of distraction, when we connect energetically over the phone or zoom, sessions are clear and tend to be accurate.

My speciality is helping sensitive empathic humans awaken, nourish and strengthen their healing capacities. (Yes, that’s you.)

If you are generally doing alright but are needing a reset or tune-up, noticing you are stuck in a normal life process, or feeling unclear or blocked by a traumatic experience or experiences…..

If you are walking through a big life shift and want support to anchor into your own heart-rooted wisdom…..

If you are interested in looking at energetic habits and patterns and feeling ready to shift, physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually….

If you are looking for compassionate intuitive insight offered just for you, based on your unique energetic footprint and expression….

This therapeutic approach can help you!

I’m not able to help if you are looking for someone to give you a diagnosis of a medical issue or as a replacement for medical care.

I’m not able to help if you are looking for someone to cure your issue. Healing and curing are not the same, to me. While anything is possible and change can sometimes be dramatic and complete, more often intuitive energy medicine is about facilitating a gentler yet profound shift in your life.

I am also not able to help if you want a reading of or information about another person; I only work with your energy and I always ask for your permission to do so. I don’t engage the specific energy of anyone without their permission.

My fees are less expensive than most other intuitive energy healers with my level of experience and years in practice. This is a conscious choice on my part. I want this work to be as accessible as possible while allowing for follow up sessions, when needed.

To Sum Up…

I help sensitive empathic beings having a human experience to live in greater balance; to gently restore harmony, peace and wholeness; to gather knowledge from all sources of wisdom, the heart of the world and mostly from our own hearts, to become who we are meant to be.

I help you remember that you are your own best healer, and how you can access your own deepest healing. This is the medicine.

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